The Queen visited MGS in 1965 as part of the School's 450th anniversary celebrations

The Queen visited MGS in 1965 as part of the School's 450th anniversary celebrations
I have been sharing that story about what we always referred to as “The Queen's toilet”. If memory servers me correctly it was right outside our old 2nd year formroom. What a priviledge to get to use it if someone had inadvertantly left it open. It was a big improvement on the west basement!
I also remember this very clearly. When the Queen came into the classroom Mr Shutt announced “Die Königin ist hier”, followed by an almost comically low bow, amusing because he seemed in fact such a larger-than-life, gruff-spoken chap. Best wishes to you Ian.
Some great photo's. My memory is standing on the drive as HM walked down. The names of all the forms had been painted on the kerbs to make sure we all stood in the right place. Often wondered what future generations would make of “S4L” and an arrow. Nice to see photos of Andy Maxwell in the Arts Hall (later to tragically die in a climbing accident) and Ces Poole in the workshop - both gentlemen in their own way.
I remember standing along the main driveway next to S4F painted on the edge . Nice to see the pictures of a smiling Mr Cooper the woodwork master who helped me construct my LP record cabinet which i still have to this day and survived a journey of over 3000 miles.
Both me and my father went to Manchester Grammar school, and I remember him telling me about the queen
Having entered the school at the age of 10 and being a wee lad, I must have been the smallest boy in the school and, for which reason I was elected to present the Queen with flowers although I only have the vaguest memory
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My main memory of the day is that HM visited our German class in Room 8 and we were most impressed by the fact that our teacher, Arthur Shutt, was wearing a less-baggy-than-usual pair of cord trousers. Being adolescent boys, we were also amused by the fact that a special toilet had been constructed at the back of the Memorial Hall in case a different sort of royal visit was needed.