Below is a list of OMs whose passing we have learnt of since the last issue of The Old Mancunian. Names that are underlined have an online obituary attached.
Name ……………………………………………………………………… | OM Years |
Jeffrey P Alderson | 1945-50 |
John Brian Arnold | 1944-47 |
Richard A Barker | 1964-71 |
Peter Guy Barnes | 1952-57 |
Malcolm S Bower | 1955-60 |
Allen Brierley | 1961-68 |
Peter L Broomhead | 1945-52 |
Graeme E Bullock | 1956-62 |
Ian Chapman | 1952-57 |
Martin Cohen | 1959-66 |
Peter A Cooke | 1945-52 |
John P Crofts | 1970-77 |
Timothy B Edwards | 1951-61 TS |
Robert Gartside | 1943-50 |
Nigel J Glassey | 1949-57 |
Stephen J Gibbons | 1972-78 |
Gerald Green | 1946-53 |
David Greenhalgh | 1979-85 |
David P Harlow | 1942-48 |
David J W Harrison | 1948-56 |
Edward Harrison | 1949-56 |
G Michael Harrison | 1938-42 |
John A Harrison | 1944-51 |
Peter Gordon Hesham | 1946-49 |
Alan Higson | 1958-64 |
David Ish-Horowicz | 1959-66 |
Ian Walter Jagger | 1954-61 |
Ernest S Kay | 1936-39 |
Michael P Kershaw | 1943-51 |
Peter R Leeming | 1942-50 |
Brian Lees | 1957-64 |
Thomas A Markus | 1942-43 |
Anthony H Marland | 1945-52 |
John Naylor | 1947-53 |
Brian Palmer | 1943-50 |
David N Pinion | 1952-59 |
Eric Pratt | 1960-67 |
Reverend John R Pritchard | 1954-59 |
Barrie Quilliam | 1947-52 |
Geoffrey C Rivett | 1943-50 |
Keith Rutter | 1950-57 |
Sefton Samuels | 1942-47 |
Ronald K Seddon | 1945-53 |
Walter J Southall | 1943-51 |
Anthony J Standing | 1955-62 |
Geoffrey Tattersall KC | 1958-66 |
Peter D Thickbroom | 1950-57 |
Derek P Torrington | 1945-50 |
Anthony Valentine | 1940-45 |
Karl Vanters | 1967-74 |
Christopher C Wallis | 1941-46 |
John Whalley | 1945-51 |
John N Wilson | 1965-72 |
Richard A Wiseman | 1948-53 |
TS = Former Teaching Staff
If you would like to notify us of a death, please email
Re: Keith Rutter
Keith taught my Classical Sixth year group for about a term in, I think, 1961/2. He was standing in for W J Graham who was on sick leave. My recollection is that he was excellent as a teacher, though probably not officially qualified and also rather young for the job, especially by comparison with the mostly very experienced members of the then Classics Department. He took us very thoroughly through the Latin prose set text. I was personally so impressed that I borrowed his methods in later years when teaching Latin and Greek myself. In more recent times I met him at reunions of Queens' College, where his response to my repeated congratulations was always delightfully modest.