On Friday 1st March 2024, the annual Founders’ Day took place, with over 1500 pupils, governors, alumni and staff seated in Manchester Cathedral. Founders’ Day been held since at least 1872, subject to nationwide circumstances such as World War 1 and 2, and most recently, the covid-19 pandemic. The Bishop of Manchester, David Walker – also an old boy of the school – and the Bishop of Exeter, Robert Atwell, held two services close to the site of the first incarnation of the school when it was founded in 1515.
During the afternoon, staff, parents, current pupils and Old Mancunians all gathered together in the Memorial Hall to celebrate the hard work of the Bursary Fund. Since 1998, thanks to donations from Old Mancunians, parents and supporters, the bursary funds managed by the MGS Trust have grown to over £32m. We are enormously grateful to all Old Mancunians and supporters of the School who have contributed to our fundraising success.
Daniel, School Captain for 2023-24, commented: “Every year Founders’ Day manages to somehow be better than the last. This year was no exception. With its spectacular musical performances, its vast range of cultural and linguistic elements, and its impressive long-standing traditions, Founders’ Day was truly an unforgettable event for all. Only once a year does the whole school come together under one roof to celebrate the achievements and success of MGS. This is an opportunity for students like myself to be reminded of just how fortunate we are to come to a school with such a variety of academic and co-curricular opportunities, as well as to pay homage to those who sacrificed so much so that all boys in Manchester, no matter their background, can be educated with godliness and good-learning.
“Yet Founders’ Day also gives us is a chance to remember and celebrate the diversity and inclusion that we have at the school. Just next to the original building of MGS, located in the heart of the city, is Manchester Cathedral. Almost 2,000 members of the school community gathered here for the event, with the huge variety of backgrounds, religions and cultures that are encompassed both in the school and in the city being represented throughout the service. Hearing readings from Sanskrit, Arabic, Hebrew and Greek really paid testament not only to the mix of languages spoken and celebrated at MGS, but also the cultural diversity that is both accepted and embraced within the community.
“Later in the day, the annual Benefactors’ Lunch offered a unique chance for some of the students in their last year at MGS to meet Old Mancunians and other generous members of the school community who have donated to the Bursary Fund. Being perhaps one of the most special aspects of MGS, the Bursary Fund manages to let over 250 boys attend the school each year, and so it was an absolute pleasure to be able to commemorate and promote such a good cause. Having a dad who attended the school on a bursary, I know that I would not be in the position I am in today without the magnanimity of our donors”.
Daniel concluded by saying: “In addition, it was mutually fascinating to speak to our benefactors and hear their experiences of their time at MGS, as well as tell them of how the school has changed over the years and even offer some exclusive tours of the school. This included the recently-built hockey pitch and a last look at the Sixth Form Centre in anticipation of the new building which has been made possible only because of the charitableness of our benefactors. Of course, it goes without saying that the food was amazing too! Overall, the day was a ceremonial and memorable occasion in which all members of MGS could pay respect to our Founders and give thanks for the incredible opportunity we all have to be a part of such a wonderful and accepting community”.
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